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How To Recycle A Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree

Picture Credit:s-s-57764

Let's be honest here, Christmas decorations are not the most environmentally friendly thing in the world; the vast majority are made from unrecyclable plastic, and as for the tree, well it can be difficult to know whether a real or an artificial Christmas tree is actually better for the environment.

If you have decided to go for a real Christmas tree this year, when the 12 Days of Christmas over you will need to get rid of it somehow.

If you use your artifical tree for many years it may be past it's best and you may wish to dispose of it. Maybe it is too big or too small for your current needs.

So how can you recycle your Christmas tree?

How To Recycle A Real Christmas Tree

So what can you do with it?

If the tree is rooted and you have a garden you can plant it out, and if you have any sort of outdoor space you could re-plant it into a pot and then you could then reuse it next year.

If you have a cut tree you have various options.

  1. Christmas trees can be composted your own compost heap, however they will need to be shredded, otherwise it could take years!
  2. If your council operates a garden waste collection service you can cut the tree up and put it into your green bin. There will probably be a limit to the thickness of the branches that you can put in your bin so you'll still have chop the trunk up into managable sized pieces.
  3. If you are particularly lucky your local council may offer a kerbside Christmas tree collection service. Check the waste and recycling section of your local council's website to find out, as they will usually only collect during the first couple of weeks In January.
  4. Most councils will offer Christmas tree recycling if you are able to take the tree to one of their recycling centres yourself. Again check with your local council as they may only accept then at specific sites and they will generally only accept them until mid January too. Find Your Local Council's Website
  5. Do you know anyone who has an open fire, a woodburner or an aga? They may be grateful for the trunk of your tree.
  6. If you don't mind paying for Christmas Tree collection The Good Elf will remove any tree 8 feet or less in any part of the UK between 27th December and 6th January. In certain areas of London you can have your tree collected by Pines And Needles as well.

How To Recycle An Artificial Christmas Tree

Unfortunately most artificial Christmas trees are made of a mix of metal and plastic and so cannot be recycled.

If your tree is in good condition it can be donated to a charity shop - but if the tree is particularly large please check that the shop has storage space if you are donating in January!

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You could also offer it on a local Freecycle group, Buy Nothing group, Facebook Marketplace or advertise it in your local newspaper Freebies.

However if your tree is in poor condition it will have to go to landfill via your wheelie bin if it is small or by taking it to your household recycling centre if it is too big to fit in your bin.

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