Sustainability and Recycling in North Wales
Recycling information, green businesses, repair cafes and environmental organisations in North Wales, UK.
Here is where you can find out how to recycle near you as well as learn more out about sustainability, the environment and waste reduction near you.
- Cofnod is a local database of environmental records for North Wales.
- Wales Environment Link is a network of environmental, countryside and heritage non-governmental organisations with an all-Wales remit.
- Wales Recycles is the national recycling campaign for Wales who campaign to encourage consumers to recycle more things more often from all around the home.
- My Recycling Wales is a website where you can discover how Welsh local authorities deal with your waste and recycling.
- North Wales Wildlife Trust work to protect wildlife across North Wales, both on their 35 nature reserves and through our work with others.
- WRAP Cymru works with governments, businesses, and communities in Wales to deliver practical solutions and improve resource efficiency.
- North Wales Recycle I.T. is a social enterprise which refurbishes old computers to allow more people to have online access to education and reduce social isolation.
Repair cafes are held on various dates, check the website or contact the organisers to confirm when the next event will be held.
- Repair Cafe Wales is an umbrella organisation that opens and supports repair cafés across Wales. Visit the website to find out about repair cafes in the area.
Recycling and Waste Management In North Wales
Your local county, city or district council in North Wales will have information about household recycling collections, recycling centres and waste management in your area.
You can find your local council using this local council finder on the UK Government website.
Gwynedd County Council
Isle of Anglesey County Council
Denbighshire County Council
Flintshire County Council
Conwy County Borough Council
Wrexham County Borough Council
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